Golden Visa Requirements UAE

Golden Visa Requirements UAE

Golden Visa Requirements UAE
Interpreter Dubai August 22, 2023

Want to apply for a UAE Golden Visa? Then you must be wondering what the salary requirement is. Here at VisaHQ, we understand the importance of knowing the rules and regulations to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

In this blog post, we will answer the question, “What is the salary requirement for UAE Golden Visa?” and provide all the details you need to know. So, keep reading and find out the all requirements for the visa.

What is a Golden Visa, and why is it Important for Expats in the UAE?

A Golden Visa is a long-term residency visa that allows foreigners to live, work, and study in the UAE for an extended period. It offers numerous benefits and privileges to expats, making it a highly coveted residency status.

This type of visa is essential for expats in the UAE as it provides them with stability, security, and a sense of belonging. It allows them to establish roots in the country and enjoy all the advantages that come with it, such as:

  • Access to World-Class Healthcare
  • Education
  • Employment Opportunities

Moreover, a visa also grants expats the freedom to travel in and out of the UAE without additional visas, making it highly convenient for those who frequently travel for business or leisure. It provides expats with a greater level of flexibility and allows them to integrate into UAE society fully.

Golden Visa Requirements for All Categories

Golden Visa

Golden Visa UAE for Real Estate Investors

The visa is available to real estate investors who meet one of the requirements listed below:

  • Acquiring a property for at least AED 2 million
  • Purchase a home utilizing a loan from one of the nearby banks listed.
  • Acquire from a list of accredited local real estate firms one or more completed or off-plan properties costing no less than AED 2 million.

The critical documents required to submit for this category of visa applications are the registration paperwork issued by the Emirate’s Real Estate Authority.

Please be aware that the UAE has extended the 90-day window for property owners before their resident visas expire or are canceled. In light of this, foreign nationals now have six months to leave the country, alter their status, and apply for a new residence visa. During the grace period, there are no fines.

Suppose you own a property or a collection of properties. In that case, you might be eligible for a visa, which is valid for five years and can be renewed under the same terms without a sponsor if you meet the following requirements:

  • Providing a letter from the relevant Emirate’s land department confirming ownership of one or more properties worth at least AED 2 million.
  • Purchasing a property using a loan from a list of local banks approved by the relevant local authority.

Golden Visa UAE for Public Investors

If you contribute to an investment fund, you can be given a visa for ten years without a sponsor if you meet the following requirements:

  • The presentation of documentation from an investment fund with UAE accreditation attesting to the investor’s two million AED deposit.
  • The delivery of an active industrial or commercial license and a letter from the association attesting to the investor’s capital of at least AED 2 million.
  • Submitting a document from the Federal Tax Authority confirming that the investor pays the government at least AED 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) a year.

Furthermore, you must

  • Own the deposited funds outright; borrowing is prohibited.
  • Please cite your and your family’s (if any) medical insurance documentation.

Golden Visa UAE for Entrepreneurs and Startup Owners

Startup investors can now apply for a visa if their business is registered in the UAE. It should have yearly revenues of AED 1 million or more within the small and medium enterprises (SME) umbrella.

The Golden Residence for Entrepreneurs is further available if:

  • The individual was a founder or co-founder of a business venture that was previously sold for at least AED 7 million (USD 19,05,850).
  • Projects and proposals must have the Ministry of Economy’s or the appropriate municipal authorities’ permission.

Suppose you are an entrepreneur with a technological or future-focused economic initiative involving risk and innovation. In that case, you may be eligible for a visa. It would help if you also had letters of permission from each of the following:

  • A UAE auditor certifying the project’s worth is at least 500,000 dirhams.
  • The Emirate’s authorities claim the initiative is of a technological or futuristic character.
  • Find an approved business incubator to start the intended activity in the UAE.

Golden Visa UAE for Exceptional Talents

Gifted people in art, culture, digital technology, sports, innovation, medicine, law, and other areas are eligible to apply for the visa program under the category of extraordinarily gifted people.

Some exceptional specific abilities include:

  • Artists and cultural creators
  • Need a clearance letter from the Emirate’s Department of Culture and the Arts
  • Inventors
  • Athletes
  • A letter of recommendation from the General Sports Authority or a sports council
  • Doctoral degree holders

The 10-year Visa will also only be granted if the candidate is talented. It will be independent of your level of education, job situation, take-home pay, or group of expertise. However, a federal or local government body’s recommendation or permission will be necessary.

Golden Visa United Arab Emirates for Executives

Requirements consist of:

  • A duplicate of a university diploma from a student who earned at least a bachelor’s degree and was recognized by the Ministry of Education
  • A letter attesting to your tenure in the same post, which must be at least five years
  • A paid certificate showing a minimum salary of AED 50,000
  • A legal employment agreement

Golden Visa UAE for Specialists (Engineering and Science)

A job contract and a copy of a bachelor’s or master’s degree certified by the Ministry of Education are requirements.

Engineering and science-related topics include:

  • Influenza And Viruses
  • Synthetic Intelligence
  • Huge Data
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Software Development
  • Technical Electrical
  • Engineering in Genetics and Biotechnology

Golden Visa UAE for Scientists

Researchers and scientists can now apply for the visa if they meet the criteria below:

  • Own a Ph.D. or Master’s degree from one of the top institutions in the world in engineering, technology, the life sciences, or the natural sciences.
  • You need a letter from the Mohammed bin Rashid Medal for Scientific Excellence Secretariat attesting to your award or a recommendation from the Emirates Scientists Council to apply for this visa.

Golden Visa UAE for Skilled Professionals

The visa for Skilled Professionals significantly enlarges the visa-qualifying category. It covers all sectors and disciplines, including but not limited to education, law, science and engineering, information technology, social sciences, and a wide range of other subjects and disciplines.

Professionals with skills may be eligible for the visa program given that:

  • They have a legitimate job contract in the UAE.
  • The position must fit under the Ministry of Human Resources Emiratisation’s occupational level 1 or 2 categories.
  • The starting compensation for a month is AED 30,000.
  • The skilled employee also needs a bachelor’s degree.

Please note that trained professionals are entitled to a more extended grace period of six months if categorized in the first or second occupational level under the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization classification.

Golden Visa UAE for Students

Students with excellent academic standing who attended secondary schools or universities in the UAE and received excellent grades are also eligible to apply for the 10-year Visa or the visa program.

Subject to submitting a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Education (Emirates Schools Establishment), a visa may be issued to a high school student who has achieved national recognition (with a minimum grade of 95% in high school, either public or private).

Additionally, the visa program is open to gifted students who attended the world’s top colleges. Academic achievement and cumulative average, graduation year, and university classification are also considered.

If you are a top-notch college student, you may be given a visa for ten years without a sponsor if you meet the following requirements:

  • A recommendation letter from the university, an accredited graduation certificate, or an accredited academic record stating that the student’s cumulative GPA is at least 3.5 for A-class universities and 3.8 for B-class universities is submitted.
  • The Ministry of Education must provide the university with an A or B class rating.
  • It hasn’t been more than two years since you received your diploma.

Outstanding overseas university students may be given a 10-year visa without a sponsor if they meet the following requirements:

  • The institution is included among the top 100 universities in the world by the Ministry of Education’s recognized ranking system.
  • The student has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
  • Less than two years have passed since your graduation.
  • The Ministry of Education has approved the graduation certificate.

Please note that students who have finished their coursework qualify for the extra six months of grace.

What is the Salary Requirement for UAE Golden Visa?

Understanding the salary requirement for UAE Golden Visa is crucial for anyone looking to apply. The salary requirement varies depending on job title, industry, and qualifications.

A legitimate employment contract in the UAE is a requirement, as is working in a profession that falls under occupational level 1 or level 2, as determined by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization. Additionally, candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree and make at least AED 30,000 per month in pay.

For More Information: What is a UAE Golden Visa. We have a complete blog on it.

For More Information: How to Apply for Golden Visa UAE. We have a complete blog on it.

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